Utrera Sevilla - An Overview

El tipo de casa histórica utrerana presenta como característica la humildad de sus materiales —mampostería de argamasa, ladrillos, teja árabe y cal— y la uniformidad de sus fachadas. El casco antiguo de Utrera presenta un estilo característico marcado por la sobriedad de estas construcciones. Aún se conserva un conjunto importante de casas del siglo XVIII, como las que ocupan el flanco norte de la plaza del Altozano, así como algunas pocas que datan de los siglos XVI y XVII.

Many people go dressed in normal Sevillanas and flamenco costumes. During the afternoon, the people today usually have a standard Andalusian food for lunch. Afterwards most of them journey horses in structured Sevillanas contests. During the night time many kinds of new music are carried out, though people today consume and dance until eventually dawn.

La historia de Utrera durante el resto del siglo XX no está marcada por hechos especialmente trascendentes. Es destacable la gran inundación de 1962, causada por el desbordamiento del Arroyo Calzas Anchas.

The initial news of Utrera correspond to its Roman previous, the Sewer bridge especially, which joined the extend with the Bética While using the North, by what was termed Vía Augusta. There are two Necropolises in the town centre; a single courting with the third to 2nd century BC, and another within the 3rd to fourth generations.

Durante el siglo XVIII se llevaron a cabo diversas remodelaciones de la capilla y en el siglo XIX fue añadida una espadaña de factura sencilla. Consta de una nave con bóveda de cañón y de una bóveda sobre pechinas sobre el altar. Sus tres retablos son barrocos y en ellos se insertan tallas de los siglos XVI y XVII.[fifty]​

Carnival, celebrated at the conclusion of February. There is a contest organized by metropolis hall showcasing elaborate dresses, and prizes are awarded to Those people judged the winners.

Interestingly, tradition has it the gold ship in her hand was donated through the crew of a ship that she saved from sinking. The seafarers who sailed from Seville to The brand new Earth inside the sixteenth century were being deeply devoted to Utrera’s Our Lady of Consolation. This is often why she is considered the main seafaring religious icon on land.

The surrounding towns of Utrera and Lebrija, on the other hand, are way off the average tourist's route and continue to be considerably undiscovered, but when just one was to enterprise into the countryside that surrounds Seville, just one would see that the traditional gypsy flamenco tradition is flourishing: these cities are Among the many several sites where by orthodox flamenco is carried out with a every day bases.

Trains operate reasonably often and also the journey requires slightly above two hrs. The teach from Dos Hermanas to Utrera operates each individual thirty minutes for the duration of peak hrs, and the journey usually takes just 10 minutes.

En ella se venera la imagen de Ntro. Padre Jesús Nazareno, tallada por el escultor Marcos de Cabrera en 1597. Está justo enfrente de la Capilla del Carmen, y es de mucho menor tamaño que aquella. En su inside se conserva un importante contenido artworkístico. Fue construida en el siglo XVII, a la vez que el desaparecido convento carmelita sobre el que se ubica desde 1881 el true Colegio Salesiano de Utrera.

The War of Independence was a major setback from which the town recovered extremely gradually during the 19th century.

There are many variations of her biography, Despite the fact that There is certainly small proof to assistance them, but Regardless of the case can be, La Serneta is credited Together with the generation of what is becoming the

In case you travel by motor vehicle from Seville money, the most beneficial route would be see this to Keep to the A-376, which can take you on to Utrera: the journey should just take now not than thirty minutes.

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